연구논문 하나..

By | 2011년 5월 17일

Sci Signal. 2011 May 17;4(173):ra31. doi: 10.1126/scisignal.2001595.

Ca2+ signaling tools acquired from prostasomes are required for progesterone-induced sperm motility.

Park KH1, Kim BJ, Kang J, Nam TS, Lim JM, Kim HT, Park JK, Kim YG, Chae SW, Kim UH.


Progesterone-induced calcium ion (Ca2+) signals in the neck region of sperm play a pivotal role in promoting sperm motility. Here, we show that a long-lasting Ca2+ signal required for sperm motility in response to progesterone depends on their pH-dependent fusion with prostasomes, which are small vesicles secreted by the prostate. We found that prostasome fusion led to the transfer of progesterone receptors, cyclic adenosine diphosphoribose (cADPR)-synthesizing enzymes, ryanodine receptors (RyRs), and other Ca2+ signaling tools from prostasomes to the sperm neck. Progesterone-induced sperm motility relied on cADPR-mediated Ca2+ mobilization through RyR located on acidic Ca2+ stores, followed by Ca2+ entry through store-operated channels. Treatment of prostasome-fused sperm with a cADPR antagonist or fusion with prostasomes in which type 2 RyR was depleted resulted in low fertilization rates, reduced sperm motility, or both. Thus, we conclude that sperm motility depends on the acquisition of Ca2+ signaling tools from prostasomes.

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