Swaziland Christian University의 의과대학(School of Medicine)은 2015년 8월에 문을 열 계획을 가지고 있습니다. 나머지 6개 학과는 이미 운영 중에 있고, 의과대학만 예상보다 조금 늦어지고 있습니다. 해부학과 생리학을 배우는 과목인 “INTRODUCTION TO STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION OF THE HUAN BODY“은 2016년 1월과 2월에 8주간 진행되게 되며, 그 이후로도 매년 1, 2월에 진행될 예정입니다.
Introduction to Anatomy: anatomical position, branches of anatomy Normal structural relationships in human body; Anatomical terminology, osteology, embryology and histology; Homeostasis; The nervous system structure and function Basic anatomy of the skeletal system; Skeletal muscle morphology; Skeletal muscle function; Muscle physiology; Smooth muscle: structure and function; The structure and functions of the skin and mucous membranes; The respiratory system structure and function Structure of the heart and blood vessels ; Variations and congenital malformations.
- Use the correct medical terminology appropriately.
- Appropriately relate knowledge of anatomy and physiology to medical examples.
- Competently detail the anatomy of the human body, relating it to normal structure and function.
- Histological processes and structures are well described and a holistic view is presented.
- Processes of physiological control are discussed, and an integrated view is presented to show how the body maintains homeostasis Systems, such as those of the nervous, skeletal, the skin and mucous membranes, respiratory, and cardio-vascular are aptly described and discussed in detail with regards to anatomical structures, physiological processes, and the normal and disease states.
- Developmental abnormalities that may result in malformations evident at birth and their causes are described and explained.
The student will be able to:
- describe and illustrate the normal layout of the body structures and how they relate to each other (anatomical relations).
- identify various anatomical structures and discuss how they relate to others. Explain the processes responsible for normal function.
- integrate the knowledge on anatomy and physiology to appraise disease state.
Methods of delivery:
Seminars, Independent Learning, Small tutorial sessions with a tutor ASSESSMENT METHODS: Formative assessment methods include observation methods, oral questions, practical exercises and demonstrations, self-assessment and peer reviews as well as tests. Not all formative assessments are scored, but feedback is provided. Summative assessment methods comprises of an end of year written examination paper.
- 60% Formative Assessment Mark
- 40% Summative Assessment Mark
Course duration: 8 weeks (56 LH, 16 TH, 32 PH, 80 SH, 120 CH)
Total 8 Credit Unites (8CU) = 120 hours
1CU = 15 contact hours
- Lecture hours : 56 hours (= 56 contact hours)
- Practice hours : 32 hours (= 16 contact hours)
- Tutorial hours : 16 hours (= 8 contact hours)
- Self-study hours : 80 hours (= 40 contact hours)
Total hours : 184 hours (= 120 contact hours) / Lecture + Practice = 88 hours
여기에 맞추어 수업일정을 만들어야 하는데 쉽지 않네요. 우리나라 실정에 비하면 턱없이 부족한 수업시간을 얼마나 효율적으로 만들 것인가를 고민해야 합니다. 일단 강의내용을 분류해 봤습니다.
- Introduction to Anatomy
- Organization of the Body
- Anatomical terminology
- Cells and Tissues (Introduction of Histology)
- The Skeletal System : Bone & Joint
- The Muscular System
- The Nervous System
- The Sense Organs
- The Endocrine System
- Blood
- The Cardiovascular System
- The Lymphatic System and Immunity
- The Respiratory System
- The Digestive System
- The Urinary System
- The Integumentary System
- Homeostasis
- Nutrition and Metabolism
- Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance
- The Reproductive Systems
- Growth and Development
- Genetics and Heredity